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Parabolan Prime Pharma 76,5 mg/ml


Parabolan Prime Pharma 76,5mg/ml Characteristics

  • Increases in mass
  • Strength gains
  • Stimulates fat burning
  • Increased growth hormone
  • Counteracts muscle breakdown
  • Little water retention
  • Half-life time : 14 days
1 2 - 6 7 - 19 20 +
 46,50  41,50  36,50  34,00

Parabolan Prime Pharma 76,5mg/ml


What is Parabolan Prime Pharma?

Buy Parabolan Prime Pharma 76,5mg/ml is een lange werkende variant van de anabolen steroiden trenbolone.
One of the most powerful anabolic steroids available today.
It is known for its very high anabolic properties.
It greatly increases muscle mass and stimulates faster fat burning.
Parabolan is unique in that it has almost no estrogenic side effects, such as gynecomastia and water retention.
In fact, though, this product is often used by the more experienced anabolics user because it can cause some decent side effects.
But in the end, there is no other product as strong as Parabolan.
Results will not lie when you start using the product.


What does Parabolan Prime Pharma do?

Parabolan is a long-acting version of the product Trenbolone and is therefore the best product for a bulk and a cut regimen.
Parabolan has a good recovery value and is a powerful product that can be used to develop a lot of dry muscle mass without too much water retention.
The results that can be expected from Parabolan are huge strength gains and massive muscle gains.
Parabolan causes an increase in the extremely anabolic IFG-1 in the muscles as the muscles become more sensitive to it.
It also causes more nitrogen to be retained in the muscles, making more protein available for recovery and growth.


What dosage Parabolan Prime Pharma?

Parabolan is recommended to be taken for at least 10-12 weeks.
This is because it is a long-acting anabolic steroid.
Keep a dose of 200mg a week in a bulk cure, in a cut cure you could increase it to 300mg a week.
It should be injected into the muscle, think glutes (buttock) upper leg or shoulders.
We also recommend always following a course of treatment involving Parabolan with Nolvadex and HCG.


When to use Parabolan Prime Pharma?

Most anabolics cycle start with testosterone as a base. From there, you can decide what additional agents you want to use. Parabolan is an excellent choice to add to your regimen. It is suitable for bulk cycle in which you want to build a lot of muscle mass, as well as for cut cures in which you want to lose fat and achieve a dry, hard look without unwanted water retention.

Parabolan is distinguished by its long-acting and powerful anabolic properties, making it ideal for users looking to achieve serious results. It increases nitrogen retention and protein synthesis, ensuring improved recovery and muscle growth. In addition, it supports an increase in strength and endurance. For optimal results, combine Parabolan with a balanced diet and a targeted training regimen tailored to your specific goals.



Example cycle with Parabolan Prime Pharma?

What is an appropriate regimen to use Parabolan with during a bulk cycle.

  • Week 1-14
  • Parabolan 200mg a week
  • Testosterone Enanthate 500mg a week
  • Week 1-6
  • Turinabol 50mg a dag
  • Week 17-20
  • Nolvadex 10mg daily

Below is another example of what a cure can look like during a cut phase with Parabolan.

  • Week 1-12
  • Parabolan 300mg a week
  • Testosterone Enanthate 500mg a week
  • Masteron Enathate 400mg a week
  • Week 1-6
  • Winstrol 50mg daily
  • Week 15-18
  • Nolvadex 10mg daily

What Side Effects Can You Get from Prime Stack?

Parabolan may cause the following side effects

  • Increased heart rate
  • Insomnia
  • Restless feeling
  • Aggressive
  • Fear attacks
  • Headache
  • Prostate enlargement


Buy Parabolan? Choose Parabolan from Prime Pharma.

Buy Trenbolone Acetate from Prime Pharma to achieve maximum muscle growth, strength and definition.
Perfect for both serious and beginner athletes!
