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Prime Bulk Prime Pharma 400mg/ml


Prime Bulk Prime Pharma 400mg/ml Characteristics

  • Increases in mass
  • Strength gains
  • Increase in hormone production
  • Counteracts muscle breakdown
  • Little water retention
  • Half-life time : 14 days
1 2 - 6 7 - 19 20 +
 46,50  41,50  36,50  34,00

Prime Bulk Prime Pharma 400mg/ml


What is Prime Bulk Prime Pharma?

Prime Bulk Prime Pharma is a blend product of Testosterone Enanthate, Trenbolone Enanthate and Masteron Enanthate.
This blend product is made from long esters, giving it a long half-life unlike, for example, Prime Ripped which again is made from short esters.


What does Prime Bulk Prime Pharma do?

As previously mentioned, this product is composed of various anabolic steroids, each with its own unique effects.

Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone is the primary male hormone and is used in Prime Bulk for its strong anabolic effects, which significantly promote muscle growth. However, it does have side effects, such as conversion to DHT and estrogen, which also contribute to its effectiveness. Estrogen increases growth hormone and boosts immunity, while the combination of testosterone and DHT enhances strength and muscle mass, surpassing the effects of any other steroid.


Trenbolone Enanthate

Trenbolone Enanthate, a long-acting ester, is one of Prime Bulk’s powerful components. This product is known as an excellent choice for both bulk and cut cures. Thanks to its strong anabolic effects and high recovery value, Trenbolone helps build dry muscle mass without unwanted water retention.

With Trenbolone Enanthate, you can count on significant strength gains and impressive muscle growth. It increases the production of the anabolic hormone IFG-1 in the muscles and makes them more sensitive to the hormone, further supporting the growth process. In addition, it promotes nitrogen retention in the muscles, making more protein available for recovery and muscle building.


Masteron Enanthate

Masteron Enanthate in Prime Bulk provides powerful anti-estrogenic effects and enhances muscle strength. While it doesn’t significantly increase muscle mass, it aids in fat loss, especially during a cutting cycle, when used by athletes with low body fat. Masteron consumes aromatase enzymes, improving muscle definition. In a bulking cycle, it can help limit fat gain and enhance strength, particularly for athletes on a low-calorie intake.


What Dosage Prime Bulk Prime Pharma?

The product is recommended to be taken for a minimum of 10-12 weeks.
This is because the product contains long-acting anabolic steroids. Maintain a dose of a minimum of 800mg to a maximum of 1200mg per week.
It should be injected into the muscle, think glutes (buttock) upper leg or shoulders.
We also recommend always using an aftercare with Nolvadex and HCG after using Prime Bulk.


When do you use Prime Bulk Prime Pharma Anabolen?

The product is suitable for different types of athletes, think about athletes who want to experience a heavier cure once. Or athletes who do not like to mix their products themselves, Then this product is ideal for use

The product is also very suitable in a cut cure, Testosterone Enanthate in combination with Trenbolone Enathate and Masteron Enathate will guarantee you a lot of gains. It will ensure that you do not experience muscle loss during a kcal shortage. And muscle definition will improve demonstrably while using the product.



Example Cycle with Prime Bulk Prime Pharma Anabolics?

What Side Effects Can You Get from Prime Stack?

Prime Bulk may cause the following side effects

  • Increased heart rate
  • Insomnia
  • Restless feeling
  • Aggressive
  • Fear attacks
  • Headache
  • Prostate enlargement
  • Chance of acne


Buy Prime Bulk? Choose Prime Bulk from Prime Pharma.

Buy Prime Bulk from Prime Pharma to achieve maximum muscle growth, strength, and definition. Perfect for both serious athletes and beginners!
