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Sustanon Prime Pharma 250mg/ml


Sustanon Prime Pharma 250mg/ml Characteristics

  • Increases in mass
  • Strength gains
  • Increased growth hormone
  • Counteracts muscle breakdown
  • Little water retention at low doses
  • Aromatizes
  • Half-life time : 21 days
1 2 - 6 7 - 19 20 +
 39,50  34,50  29,50  27,00

Sustanon Prime Pharma 250mg/ml


What is Sustanon Prime Pharma?

Buy Sustanon from Prime Pharma is a synthetic form of the hormone testosterone. It contains a mix of four different esters, offering both quick and slow release with a long half-life. This unique composition keeps the anabolic steroid active in the body for several weeks. Thanks to its inclusion of short-acting esters, the effects are noticeable faster compared to anabolic steroids containing only long-acting esters.


What does Sustanon Prime Pharma do?

Testosterone is the primary male hormone and a powerful anabolic substance for muscle building. While it can convert to DHT and estrogen, potentially causing side effects, these properties also contribute to significant muscle growth. Estrogen promotes growth hormone production and improves receptor sensitivity, while the testosterone/DHT combination substantially increases muscle strength and mass. No other steroid offers comparable muscle mass gains as testosterone.


What dosage Sustanon?

Sustanon is recommended for a cycle of 10-12 weeks due to its mix of short and long esters. The advised dosage ranges from 500-1000 mg per week, administered via intramuscular injection in areas such as the glutes, thighs, or shoulders. Following the cycle, a post-cycle therapy (PCT) with Nolvadex and HCG is essential to restore hormonal balance.


When do you use Sustanon?


1.Testosterone as a base

Most anabolic cycles start with testosterone as the foundation, to which other compounds are added based on specific goals. Sustanon is an excellent choice due to its unique ester combination, enabling users to experience effects early in the cycle.


2.Sustanon for bulk cures

Sustanon Prime Pharma is great for bulk cures, especially in combination with other anabolic steroids such as Deca and Boldenone. Sustanon’s unique properties provide increases in strength, muscle mass and growth hormone production.


3.Sustanon for beginners

For beginners, Sustanon is ideal for a first cycle. A recommended dosage of 250-500 mg per week over a 10-week period is sufficient to achieve noticeable results. This approach also helps assess individual sensitivity to side effects, such as those related to estrogen or DHT conversion. Understanding these reactions can make future cycles more effective and tailored to the user’s needs.


4.Sustanon for cut cures

Sustanon is equally effective in cutting cycles. When paired with Trenbolone Enanthate and Masteron Enanthate it provides guaranteed results by preserving lean muscle mass during a caloric deficit. Additionally, it enhances muscle definition.


Example cure with Sustanon Prime Pharma?

What is an appropriate course to use Sustanon with.

  • Week 1-12
  • Sustanon 500mg a week
  • Boldenone 600mg a week
  • Week 1-6
  • Turinabol 50mg a dag
  • Week 15-18
  • Nolvadex 10mg daily

Here is another example of what a cure can look like with Sustanon.

  • Week 1-12
  • Sustanon 500mg a week
  • Trenbolone Enathate 400mg a week
  • Masteron Enathate 400mg a week
  • Week 1-6
  • Winstrol 50mg daily
  • Week 15-18
  • Nolvadex 10mg daily

What Side Effects Can You Get from Prime Stack?

Sustanon may cause the following side effects

  • Chance of less libibo
  • Chance of more body hair
  • Risk of acne and oilier skin
  • Chance of gyno (breast formation)
  • Enlargement of prostate


Buy Sustanon ? Choose Sustanon from Prime Pharma.

Buy Sustanon Prime Pharma to achieve maximum muscle growth, strength and definition.
Perfect for both serious and beginner athletes!
