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Testosterone Cypionate Prime Pharma 200mg/ml


Testosterone Cypionate Prime Pharma 200mg/ml Characteristics

  • Increases in mass
  • Strength gains
  • Increased growth hormone
  • Counteracts muscle breakdown
  • Little water retention at low doses
  • Aromatizes
  • Half-life time : 15 days
1 2 - 6 7 - 19 20 +
 39,50  34,50  29,50  27,00

Testosterone Cypionate Prime Pharma 200mg/ml


What is Testosterone Cypionate Prime Pharma?

Buy Testosterone Cypionate Prime Pharma, Testosterone Enanthate is a synthetic form of the male sex hormone testosterone.
The Cypionate ester provides a slow release and long half-life.
The anabolic steroid thus remains active in the body for several weeks, This offers the advantage that it only needs to be injected once a week instead of daily, which is the case with the ester Propionate.
Testosterone Cypionate is probably, along with Testosterone Enanthate, the most popular form of Testosterone used by users of anabolic steroids.
Whereas the Enanthate is used more in Europe, in America the Cypionate ester is mainly used.
Testosterone is the main male sex hormone (androgen) in the body, and as such remains the best possible muscle mass builder available on the market.


What does Testosterone Cypionate Prime Pharma do?

Testosterone is the most crucial male hormone and plays a key role in building muscle mass. It easily converts into DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and estrogen, which can lead to some side effects but also contribute to its powerful anabolic effects. Estrogen enhances growth hormone levels and improves receptor function.The testosterone/DHT combination significantly boosts muscle strength and mass. No other steroid provides such impressive muscle growth, making it an essential product for those looking to improve strength and overall performance.


What dosage Testosterone Cypionate Prime Pharma?

Testosterone is recommended to be taken for a minimum of 10-12 weeks.
This is because it is a long-acting anabolic steroid. Maintain a dose of at least 500mg to a maximum of 1000mg per week. It should be injected into the muscle, think glutes (buttock) upper leg or shoulders. We also recommend always following a course of treatment involving Testosterone Cypionate with Nolvadex and HCG.


When to use Testosterone Cypionate Prime Pharma?

Most anabolic cures have testosterone as a base, from there you start looking at what other agents you can take with it.

Testosterone is very suitable for a cure where you will bulking that in combination with other anabolic steroid for example (deca, boldenone,trenbolone). Because of the characteristics the product has strength and muscle mass increases and increasing growth hormone.

If you are a beginner, you might choose to take only testosterone enathate for the first course. In this case, a good dose of 250 to 500 mg of testosterone per week for 10 weeks is sufficient. If you use only testosterone, you can easily estimate how sensitive you are to estrogen or DHT-related side effects. This will help you make the next cure more effective.

It is also very suitable in a cut cure, In combination with Trenbolone Enathate and Masteron Enathate it will guarantee you a lot of gains. And it will ensure that you don’t experience muscle loss during a kcal shortage.


Sample course of treatment with Testosterone Cypionate Prime Pharma?

What is a suitable cure to use Testosterone Cypionate with.

  • Week 1-12
  • Testosterone Cypionate 600mg a week
  • Boldenone 600mg a week
  • Week 1-6
  • Turinabol 50mg a dag
  • Week 15-18
  • Nolvadex 10mg daily

Here is another example of what a cure can look like with Testosterone Cypionate.

  • Week 1-12
  • Testosterone Cypionate 600mg a week
  • Trenbolone Enathate 400mg a week
  • Masteron Enathate 400mg a week
  • Week 1-6
  • Winstrol 50mg daily
  • Week 15-18
  • Nolvadex 10mg daily

What Side Effects Can You Get from Prime Stack?

Testosterone Cypionate may cause the following side effects

  • Chance of less libibo
  • Chance of more body hair
  • Risk of acne and oilier skin
  • Chance of gyno (breast formation)
  • Enlargement of prostate


Buy Testosterone Cypionate? Choose Testosterone Cypionate from Prime Pharma.

Buy Testosterone Cypionate from Prime Pharma to achieve maximum muscle growth, strength, and definition. Perfect for both serious and beginner athletes!
